Woodpeckers Pre-School is a committee-run setting, situated within our own purpose-converted premises, including a large, secure garden, in a beautiful location on the outskirts of Cranbrook.

About Us

At Woodpeckers, we acknowledge that every child is an individual and aim to offer a personalised care, learning and development plan tailored to meet their needs, interests and fascinations in order for them to fulfil their full potential.
We believe children learn best through play and aim to ensure they have as much child-initiated play as possible each day, both indoors and outdoors, so they can grow into resilient, independent and confident individuals ready to take on the world whilst having fun, fun, fun!
Community and family life have always been at the centre of Woodpeckers Preschool, and our aim is to offer an environment in which families feel supported, and children thrive through high-quality learning experiences.
Woodpeckers Preschool is a committee-run CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation), open 38 weeks a year, from 8.30am to 4pm Monday-Friday, for children aged 2 to 5 years. Woodpeckers is run by a highly qualified team of early years practitioners who are passionate about offering children the best possible early years experience, ensuring they are ready to take the ‘next steps’ on their amazing life journey as they move onto school or a new setting.
Having a positive early years experience is essential for young children as it ignites their love for learning throughout their lives, ensuring they have a ‘can do’ attitude, as well as learning essential skills for life.
However, this is only possible through strong partnerships with parents/carers, and ensuring children are offered a safe yet stimulating learning environment reflecting their interests and fascinations, alongside highly-qualified "key persons" who form close relationships with both the child and the family.
We believe Woodpeckers offers your child all these key ingredients, which lead to an amazing learning experience, in a home-from-home environment, which they will remember and cherish for the rest of their lives.
Opening times:
All day sessions (including packed lunch): 8.30pm - 4.00pm
The Committee
Woodpeckers' Committee is strategically and operationally managed by trustees and members who stand for election annually. Parents, carers and any interested individuals are welcome to become Members of Woodpeckers, where they can vote on matters arising at Committee meetings, by completing and returning a Membership Form.
Committee members are not paid and the roles are taken on a voluntary basis. As the pre-school cannot legally operate without a committee, parental involvement is vital.
The Committee works closely with the Supervisor and staff, and is responsible for reviewing policies, employing staff, fundraising and strategic decision-making.
All committee members are subject to stringent DBS checks. A copy of the Woodpeckers Preschool CIO Constitution is available on request.
Woodpeckers Trustees:
Chairperson and Trustee: Chelsea Groome
Trustee: Victoria Hunter
Trustee: James King
Trustee: Stephanie Simpson
For accounts enquiries, please contact Helen Hodges at: woodpeckerstreasurer@gmail.com